POWERFLEX PFR57-820 Втулка переднього кріплення двигуна для PORSCHE (981) Cayman 2012-2016
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POWERFLEX PFR57-820 Втулка переднього кріплення двигуна для PORSCHE (981) Cayman 2012-2016
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вул. Набережно-Лугова, 29
PFR57-820 fits all models from 2009 onwards. For any models before this, please use PFR57-520. With impeccably balanced handling, the Porsche 981 & 987.2 Boxster/Cayman inc R are bags of fun to drive, with them rated as being one of the most rewarding sports cars money can buy.However, according to specialists and those in the know, suspension problems are the second most common reason for a 981/987.2 to fail its MOT and the same fatigue seen in the rubber suspension bushes, can be seen in the engine mountings.Prolonged and repetitive strain translated through the engine mountingin combination with the large voiding in the OE bush, results in accelerated ageing of the rubber, with bush failures often seen from around 50,000 miles onwards.PFR57-820Front Engine Mount Bushis made from ourYellow 70Adurometer material and supplied with an anodised outer shell and supporting washers, providing a20% increasein stiffness over the standard rubber, suiting all981/987.2modelsfrom 2009 onwards.A small increase inNVH, usually at idle, should be expected when stiffening the connecting mount between the engine/transmission and chassis. The harder the material used, the greater the NVH transmitted.